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Brackets are LIVE! 2023 OTP begins now! Please submit picks before Thursday's games commence.

The OTP Results. Updated daily.

Your picks and those of your competitors.

How to play, scoring rules and how to submit picks.


Learn how to submit your entry fee.

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Friday, 3/24/23

The Zags prevailed in amazing fashion last night and in doing so dashed the brackets of some Bruins' backers. The Madness continues...!

Monday, 3/20/23

Not gonna lie, some of us made some bad, bad picks. But the race for the prize is still pretty wide open, as current co-leaders G-Man and Chudsy only hold a slim lead on the pack.

Saturday, 3/18/23

Too many Purdue fans in this competition. But since the Boilers unspeakable, tragic, and soul-rendering loss harmed many brackets, there's still plenty of basketball yet to play, so don't fret my friends (unless you are a Purdue alumn) Most OTPers are still in the hunt.

Friday, 3/17/23

Scores after the first day of games are up. Six (!) of our prognosticators successfully forecast Furman's victory over Virginia while only 2 foretold of Arizona's demise. Stay tuned for additional commentary on this year's contest and our scoring system!

Thurs. 3/16/23

First days of games are proving to be quite marvelous. Check in first thing tomorrow for the updated OTP standings. Here is Friday's handy viewing guide.

Wed., 3/15/23

The 2023 OTP is turning into a nice big group, but there is always room for more! Still time to put those picks in before Thursday, 12:15 PM. For a look at tomorrow's schedule of games, check out this handy chart.

Tuesday, 3/14/23

More competitors are joining the OTP. Make sure you do too! The Thursday deadline is fast approaching, don't miss out! (P.S. Please submit payment after submitting bracket.)

Monday, 3/13/23

Our first picks are coming in! You can view everyone's brackets at the Picks page. Please make your own ASAP. Reminder: please submit payment when submit bracket.

Sunday, 3/12/23

The official NCAA Men's Tournament Brackets are ready. Feel to start making picks. Please submit your completed brackets in by Thursday.

OTP 2023 Web Site created and Updated. Brackets will be available Sunday night (3/12). You can view previous brackets, picks and scores. Check this section for site updates.

Saturday, 3/11/23
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